Medical Lab Technician Resume Sample - Entry-Level

Apply to laboratory technician jobs
By Mark Swartz
Monster Contributing Writer
Medical laboratory professionals perform medical tests that help diagnose, treat and prevent disease. Even though these technicians (or assistants) are behind the scenes, they provide information and data that physicians and nurse practitioners use to help the patient.
Being a medical lab assistant is a great career in itself. Or it can be used as a healthcare stepping-stone job.
Just as specimen samples are analyzed in laboratory work, so should resume samples be examined closely. The entry-level medical lab technician resume sample below emphasizes procedural skills developed in a hospital setting.
Tracey Nasdola, MLA
55 Pleasant Drive, Moncton, NB E1A 3J6
(506) 555-5555 Facebook URL
Quality-focused medical lab tech with excellent clinical skills gained through hands-on experience within one of the largest health services providers in Moncton. Perform all laboratory tests and procedures quickly with attention to detail and patient comfort.
Procedural Skills
Cell Counts; Urinalyses; Body Fluid Analyses; Cytology, Histology, Serology and Hematology Testing; Metabolic & Electrolyte Panels; Liver, Renal and Thyroid Function Testing; Blood Typing; Lipid Profiles; Toxicology Screening; Routine Cultures; positioning Holter monitors; perform ECG’s.
Related Work History
The Moncton Hospital, Moncton, New Brunswick
Medical Laboratory Assistant (Practicum) Present
- Assist hospital physicians in diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, injuries and medical conditions by providing clinical testing and specimen analysis (under supervision of full-time med lab tech).
- Conduct lab tests in areas of hematology, coagulation, urinalysis, serology, immunology, bone marrow and FNA collections.
- Prepare chemical solutions, reagents and specimens for microscopic examination; perform laboratory tests; analyze and report findings; and investigate atypical results and discrepancies to determine causation.
- Expedite critical testing results without compromising sample validity or quality assurance.
- Worked two evenings a week for four months at the Riverview After Hours Medical Clinic in Moncton during my first year of college.
- Learned how to be professional in a clinical setting.
- Helped the Lab Assistant prep for a wide variety of procedures.
Education & Certification
New Brunswick Community College - Saint John
Medical Laboratory Assistant, 2015
- Graduated with honors from CMA-accredited MLA program
- Course Highlights: Medical Lab Practices, Organic/Biochemistry, Biomedical Science, Principles of Hematology & Hemostasis, Pathogenic Microbiology, Blood Banking, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Microbiology, Immunohematology, Supervised Clinical Experience.
- Certified by Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS)
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